Beijing, China. ICI today delivered 4 units Huawei Optix OSN 3500 and 8 units Huawei Optix OSN 2500 MSTP-SDH platforms to Shandong Express Co Ltd (SDECL) for STM-64 and 10GE expansion.
SDECL is a public company listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange since 2002, and is the largest Expressway operations company in North China. Expressway industry are one of the biggest enterprise-level sector of MSTP-SDH technology, heavily relying on the hard-pipes and reasonable cost, in comparison to the other typical layer 2 technology like Ethernet or ATM. SDH provided fundamental support to the timing-sensitive applications like traffic control, industrial signal control, etc.
SDH is being gradually replaced by DWDM-OTN in backbone and PTN in metro services. However, because of SDH's natural properties that it is very hard to make a fork-lift upgrade (compared with IP / Ethernet), many telecom and enterprise users expect that their SDH infrastructure will last for another couple years.
ICI CTO Mr. Ming is in charge of this project. (@Ming, your watch is in camera :D)